
Namcor Strikermatic

How is your shop making square to round transitions?


The Strikermatic is Powered by a 20 volt Dewalt rechargeable battery (included). The battery charge should last several days but definitely good for a single day no matter the usage. The machines electric cycles allow the user to have some control over the intervals at which the top blade and bottom die come together, a bit like a battery powered drill. The foot pedal allows the operator to hold each edge of a cheek and has a max height of 30”.

Once triggered the speed can be set and then adjusted to the operators skill or comfort level. The operator might choose to keep foot pedal depressed and the machine will continue to cycle at the set intervals without having to press the foot pedal for each bend, making this machine not the easiest method of making Square to Round transitions but also the very fastest.

If you’re looking for a prospective shop on the Namcor machine, look for these signs: two cheeks formed in this rounded way and a cheek that has lot’s of small bends that allow it to look like it’s increasing in diameter from top to bottom


  • Electric foot pedal
  • Adjustable timer
  • Includes two batteries and charger