The Conklin Way

At Conklin, our Goal is to be a world class distributor and a company where people enjoy and find satisfaction in their work. We strive for that by up- holding 4 Core Values: Integrity, Initiative, Communication and Create Fans. The foundation for it all is our unique culture. The 26 “Fundamentals” that follow describe the daily practices that make that culture come to life. They’re what set us apart from other companies and what drive our extraordinary success. We call it…

The Conklin Way

1. PURSUE EXCELLENCE. Demonstrate a passion for excellence and take pride in the quality of everything you touch and everything you do. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Always ask yourself, “Is this my best work?”

2. INVEST IN RELATIONSHIPS. Get to know your customers and co-workers on a more personal level. Talk more and e-mail less. Understand what makes others tick and what’s important to them. Strong relationships enable us to more successfully work through difficult issues and challenging times.

3. BE PREPARED. Work smart and be organized. Have all the tools necessary before starting your work. Think ahead about your schedule, and prepare a game plan for your calls, your tasks, and your workday. Know the priorities and work on them first.

4. DELIVER RESULTS. While effort is important, we expect results. If necessary, delegate, but follow-up on everything and take responsibility to ensure that tasks get completed. Set high goals, use measurements to track your progress, and hold yourself accountable for achieving those results.

5. LISTEN TO UNDERSTAND. Give others your undivided attention. Be present and engaged. Listen with empathy. Listen without interrupting. Be curious to know more, rather than jumping to conclusions. Above all, listen to understand.

6. SHOOT STRAIGHT. Speak honestly and say what you mean. Be willing to ask questions, share ideas, or raise issues that may cause conflict when it’s necessary for team success. Address issues directly with those who are involved or affected. Be courageous enough to say what needs to be said.

7. FOCUS ON SOLUTIONS. Rather than pointing fingers or dwelling on problems, work towards a solution. Mistakes and problems are opportunities to learn and improve ourselves and our processes so we don’t make the same mistake twice. Get smarter and learn from every experience.

8. RESPOND TIMELY. Respond to questions and concerns as quickly as possible, whether it’s in person, on the phone, or by e-mail. If you don’t have a quick answer, acknowledge that you’ve received the request and you’re “on it”. Provide status updates to all involved as you work toward a resolution to the outstanding issue.

9. PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS. Missing just one detail can have an enormous negative impact on a job or another employee’s workload. Focus on accuracy and precision. The goal is to get things right, not simply to get them done. Double-check your work. Get the details right the first time.

10. ASSUME POSITIVE INTENT. Work from the assumption that people are good, fair, and honest, and that the intent behind their actions is positive even when they are providing constructive criticism to you. Set aside your own judgments and preconceived notions. Give people the benefit of the doubt.

11. BE PASSIONATE ABOUT IMPROVEMENT. Set aside time to evaluate every aspect of your work to find ways to improve. Don’t be satisfied with the status quo. “Because we’ve always done it that way” is not a reason to continue doing something inefficiently. Guard against complacency. Find ways to get things done better, faster, and more efficiently.

12. TREAT EVERYONE WITH DIGNITY AND RESPECT. Treat others in a way that respects their value as unique individuals and honors their self-worth, regardless of their background, appearance, or beliefs. Be thoughtful and always act with kindness, compassion, and patience.

13. HONOR COMMITMENTS. Do what you say you’re going to do, when you say you’re going to do it. This includes being on time for all phone calls, appointments, meetings, and promises. If a commitment can’t be fulfilled, notify others early and agree on a new deliverable to be honored. Assist others in meeting their commitments by respecting their time and the plans they have in place in order to meet them.

14. DO THE RIGHT THING. Demonstrate an unwavering commitment to do right in every action you take and in every decision you make, especially when no one’s looking. Always tell the truth, no matter the consequences. If you make a mistake, own up to it, apologize, and make it right.

15. BE POSITIVE. Have a passion for what we do and be fully engaged. Make the most of each day by approaching every task with energy, focus, purpose, and enthusiasm. Be positive – it’s contagious!

16. TAKE TIME TO LEARN. Be a lifelong learner. Strive to learn more each day, to gain more knowledge, and to increase your skills. Ask thoughtful questions and listen intently to the answers. Be open to new ideas and be willing to share what you learn.

17. LEAD BY EXAMPLE. The best way to influence others is through your own example. Walk the talk. Take responsibility to coach, guide, teach, and mentor others. When you need help, ask for it and look for opportunities to help others.

18. COMMUNICATE CLEARLY. Get to the point and be specific in your communication with others to avoid misunderstandings. Know your audience and communicate in a way that they understand. Be clear about your expectations of others and ask questions when you’re not clear on what they expect of you. End all meetings with clarity about action items, responsibilities, and due dates.

19. CELEBRATE SUCCESS. Recognizing people doing things right is more effective than pointing out when they do things wrong. Praise in public, criticize in private. Regularly extend meaningful acknowledgment and appreciation — throughout our organization.

20. CREATE FANS. Be easy to work with and do business with. Create long-term relationships by doing the little things, as well as the big things, that surprise people. Always go the extra mile and make every interaction stand out for its helpfulness.

21. BE PASSIONATE ABOUT SAFETY. Know and practice the safety procedures for your job. Be passionate about the safety of your teammates, and never take a shortcut that compromises anyone’s safety.

22. STRIVE FOR A BALANCED LIFE. Take care of yourself at home and at the office. Eat well, exercise, and get adequate sleep. Make healthy decisions now that will pay off in your future. Support each other in making healthy choices. To give your best, you must be at your best.

23. EMBRACE CHANGE. Get outside your comfort zone, rather than stubbornly hanging on to old ways of doing things. Be flexible and be excited about the possibilities that change and growth bring.

24. BE A TEAM PLAYER. It’s not all about you, don’t let your ego or personal agenda get in the way of doing what’s best for the team. Be there for each other and be willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Don’t wait for others to do it. Help each other to succeed.

25. CREATE A GREAT IMPRESSION. We have one chance to make a great first impression! Every e-mail, phone call, and meeting sets a tone and creates an impression. Pay attention to every interaction and be sure you’re setting a tone that’s friendly, warm, and helpful. Your personal appearance and the appearance of our office, warehouse, and trucks makes a similar statement about the quality of our work.

26. HAVE FUN AND LAUGH. While our pursuit for excellence is real, remember that the world has bigger problems than the daily challenges that make up our work. Life is short. Keep perspective. Don’t take things personally or take yourself too seriously. Laugh every day!

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