Mechanical Fasteners—Gripnails

Category: Tag:

Spec Sheet

Gripnails work the same way as Weld Pins except that it penetrates thru the Duct Liner and bites into the metal with it’s three pronged claws instead of welding into the metal. Gripnails are attached by means of a Magnetic head Hammer or a Bulk Feed Gripnail brand free standing Mechanical Fastening machine.

#50-1 for 1/2″ Liner
#100-1 for 1″ Liner
#130-1 Gripnails for 1-1/2” Liner
#150-1 Gripnails for 2” Liner


Item Codes:

GN050-1 #50-1 Grip Nails (5M/Pail)
GN100-1 #100-1 Grip Nails (5M/Pail)
GN120-1 #120-1 Grip Nails (5M/Pail)
GN130-1 #130-1 Grip Nails (3M/Pail)
GN150-1 #150-1 Grip Nails (3M/Pail)