Roof Caps


Spec Sheet

Roof caps serve several purposes and come in various styles. The cap serves as a vent termination that keeps out rain and debris from falling back into the vent and ultimately the appliance, whether it is a gas fired furnace or water heater. The cap also blocks wind from forcing the carbon dioxide back into the vent through spillage. This keeps dangerous gases from entering the structure. Some caps are designed as very high wind caps.

Item Codes:

AM3ECW 3ECW 3″ Americap B-vent
AM4ECW 4ECW 4″ Americap B-vent
AM5ECW 5ECW 5″ Americap B-vent
AM6ECW 6ECW 6″ Americap B-vent
AM7RCW 7RCW 7″ Americap B-vent
AM8RCW 8RCW 8″ Americap B-vent
AM10RC 10RC 10″ Americap B-vent
AM12RC 12RC 12″ Americap B-vent
HC3RHW 3RHW 3″ Rain Cap B-Vent
HC4RHW 4RHW 4″ B-Vent Rain Cap
HC4RWW 4RWW 4″ B-Vent Rain High Wind Cap
HC5RHW 5RHW 5″ B-Vent Rain Cap
HC7RM 7RM 7″ Metal Cap B-vent