Shoetap HETO

Shoetap HETO—High Efficiency Take-Off

Just about every commercial HVAC job has Shoetap HETO’s coming off of the rectangular duct into round pipe run outs.

While a conical provides better air flow than a standard straight sided Airtite Takeoff, the HETO (High Efficiency Take-Off’s) surpasses even the conical for the best air movement. Designed with an increase on the upstream side of the fitting for maximum airflow making the system more efficient, easier to balance and energy saving. Referred to as the round neck size, 6″, 8″ etc.

HETO Option #1

HETO Option #2


You might be surprised to know…
HETO Option #1 costs up to 25% less than HETO Option #2

HETOs have long been lumped in with the Air Distribution package and quoted in a Lot Pricing structure by Bid & Spec companies along with everything else that is coming off of the Rectangular Duct system. There have been improvements in the quality of these products that have prompted many contractors to forgo the old practice of leaving it in the lump sum quoted by a Bid & Spec company.  Pulling the HETO out of the AD package often means a much higher quality product at a lower price.  Any contractor will tell you: there’s no comparison between a fully sealed HETO with full 3/8” rod with damper and Rossi standoff adjustable knob and the standard HETO that has been used for years.


Shoetap HETO’s as seen on blueprints


If you’re still not convinced to at least consider pulling the HETO out of the lump sum package…go out into your warehouse and you’ll likely see dozens of HETO’s leftover from prior jobs.

Materials left over from AD packages have left many contractors looking like a distributor as they accumulate leftovers.  The biggest culprit is the HETO.

When included in the Air Distribution package, HETO’s used are a generic, lesser quality product.  What’s more, they are typically the one product that is overestimated in jobs, leaving the contractor with a stock of their own.  The pricing is also at a premium.  Encouraging the contractor to pull the HETO out of the AD package means a better quality product at a more competitive price without leftovers.

Bid & Spec companies such as this often quote in lump sums for jobs, not revealing the cost breakdown for each item.